How many times have you gone on social media and saw something cool that someone was doing like starting a new business, writing a book, holding a conference, etc. and you "like" the post and make a comment offering up your congratulations? Many of us scroll through these posts with the same action, like and comment, like and comment...but that's as far as we go. It's almost robotic and often motivated by the idea that you feel compelled to like it so the person doesn't think you're hating. But I challenge you to take things a step further and put ACTION behind your support. Buy something from the person, request their services, attend their function, share their posts. . .if you truly like or believe in what they are doing- ENGAGE and don't just become "liker" (lurker) number 248. Think about your next venture because when you truly support people guess what? They return the favor.
Writer. Reader. Designer. Creative Spirit.
“I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide.”
—Harper Lee Book Recommendations
November 2017