This was a challenging year for me. I started the year wanting to remove myself from a collaborative project that I was involved in because I didn't feel my voice really mattered and I was frustrated by the direction and pace of the project.
I wanted the freedom to run amuck, think outside the box, make mistakes, learn and grow. But mainly I wanted to write. Actual stories not something regurgitated from the Internet. I wanted to CREATE! And do something that excited me and made me feel alive! So, after a totally unexpected turn of events (later realized this was a sign from God) I thought it over and with much fear and trepidation, I let go of the safe cocoon I'd been in for the past two and a half years. It was a little sad for me because closing that chapter not only meant losing some friendships that I had once treasured, but it also meant I'd be totally on my own...sink or swim. No squad. No team. But once I truly let go and stopped allowing myself to be distracted, it was the most exhilarating experience ever! For the first time in a very long time I didn't second guess myself. I learned just how capable I really am and I'm not talking about just from a creative standpoint but from a building and networking standpoint as well. I'm am so incredibly proud of myself and everything I've achieved this year- real measurable goals that actually brought in some income! And the bonus is that I'm building a legacy! 2015 was a year of unexpected change and unbelievable growth and it all started with the courage to close a chapter of my life that had come to an end. If you are hanging on to a situation whether it's a job or relationship that isn't making you feel valued or happy or it's keeping you from living your best life, I challenge you to let go- close that chapter and turn a new page in 2016. Especially if you know in your gut that nothing is going to get better as long as you remain in that situation. Believe in yourself, trust're a lot stronger than you know!
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The time has come when we start to make plans and resolutions for the upcoming new year. We set lofty goals and have all sorts of intentions of being better than we were the previous year.
But we often fall short because we take our past failures, disappointments and other baggage into the new year with us. You cannot be successful or achieve new goals with old thoughts and behaviors. You have to start fresh! Here are some tips for starting 2016 with a clean slate: 1. Let go- It sounds simple but it is really hard for some of us to close chapters of our lives that have ended. Whether it is a relationship or a job or a bad business deal, you have got to know when to get out and move on. Let go of anything that does not uplift or help you grow into the person you were meant to be! 2. Forgive- Stop holding grudges because they keep you rooted in the past. If someone did something bad to you in 2015, do not take those feelings of anger and betrayal into 2016. Forgive people for their wrongdoings and accept they are human and flawed (just like you) because you do not want those negative vibes to keep you from being great in 2016. Also, forgive yourself for not meeting all of your goals in 2015 or for not being the best version of yourself. Adjust your attitude towards positivity and be confident that 2016 is your year! 3. Focus- Get tunnel vision. In 2016 do not worry about what the competition is doing. Focus on how you can be the best version of yourself, or how you can deliver the best service or product. Do not take distractions and noise with you into 2016. Stop comparing your journey to someone else's– instead figure out what makes you different from everyone else and work on fine tuning those skills and traits. Make yourself a promise that you will get out of your own way in 2016 and do not take destructive or unproductive behavior into the new year. I hope 2016 is your best year yet! I've mentioned in previous posts that I tend to procrastinate and usually it's because I'm being lazy. But there are times, more often than not, that I am on fire and getting a ton of stuff accomplished. Here are some of my sure fire tips for getting things done: 1. Handwritten lists- I swear by handwritten lists. Even though I might type out a note on my phone every now and then, I typically stick to old fashioned pen and paper. I often write my lists in a small tablet or planner. There is something about writing things down in my own handwriting that helps my brain make a connection to its importance. After you write your daily list of to-do's make sure you put it in your purse, computer bag or wallet to keep it with you for reference throughout the day.
2. Reminders on your smart phone- Often I have so many irons in the fire that something may get left off of my handy dandy list. That's when I pick up my phone and say, "Hey Siri, remind me at 2:00 to call Patty." or "Hey Siri, remind me to respond to Harold's email." I also use the calendar function and alarm function on my phone for important reminders as well. They each have an alert system to send a pop up or audio tone to remind you at whatever date/time you select. 3. Distraction free zone/hours- There are days when I am facing a serious deadline, so I designate certain times as "distraction free". I enable the do not disturb feature on my phone and then I leave it in another room, so that I am not tempted to click on my Instagram, twitter or Facebook apps. I also enable my phone alarm for an hour or two and I work free of distractions during the time allotted before taking a break. 4. Accountability partner or reward- I have used accountability partners in the past and it is a great way to hold your feet to the fire. If you tell someone, "hey, I'm going to have this document finished tomorrow by two o'clock" and you know they are going to call you and want to see the document, it makes you work harder to keep your word. Or you can have someone call and check on you and ask about your progress on an important project a few times during the week. I also love the reward system. When I meet a deadline I set for myself or I accomplish something pretty amazing, I treat myself to a massage, pedicure, flowers, fancy lunch or even a new book! I know I can technically get that stuff anytime I want but it's so much sweeter to have a reason for the treat! 5. Just do it-I personally LOVE the feeling of accomplishment. When I work on something–to know it didn't even exist before or it was a challenge that I overcame- it gives me goosebumps and makes me vibrate with excitement. Conversely, when I procrastinate, I feel like crap. Seriously, if two days pass and I've put off something on my list, I feel like I've just wasted two days of my life for no real reason and I'll never get that time back. So I usually just do it. Whatever it is- at the very least I get started right then and there because I know tomorrow I'm going to be filled with regret if I don't. I saw this idea on a 1,001 blog post ideas page and thought it might be fun to try. I usually just have random ideas pop in my head for posts and then some times I can't thing of a single thing to blog about. Today is one of those days. So without further ado I give you some tidbits to help you get to know me better: What I'm. . . watching: I'm binge watching Once Upon A Time on Netflix and Hulu. I cannot even believe I've been missing out on all this fantastical fairytale goodness all these years!
What I'm. . . reading: Currently, Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. I was hooked by the first chapter. I can soooo relate to her testimony and I'm hoping it will inspire me to have my own Year of Yes starting with the new year! What I'm. . . eating: I'm low key addicted to the Boom Chicka Pop popcorn, specifically the holiday drizzle kettle corn with sea salt and dark chocolate. My eyes just rolled in the back of my head when I typed that and my mouth started to water. I see a trip to the store in my future. Like right after I finish this post! What I'm . . . loving: My new iPhone 6S Plus. I still remember over seven years ago when I huffed and puffed because my husband bought me my first iPhone. "Nothing was wrong with my Razr." I argued. Yes, I was in love with my pink, Razr flip phone. But I've had an absolute love affair with my iPhone for almost a decade. However with age comes issues and that small screen was about to have me crossover to a Galaxy but then I got the 6S Plus and I feel like I can see again! I'm even loving all the new features and because I got the 32GB it's hella fast. One thing I've been pouting about is that I just don't think the camera is any better than the iPhone 5. I seriously don't see a difference. But I'm getting tips online to optimize the experience, so time will tell. . .but everything else about it is fanfreakingtastic! What I'm. . . wanting: I love my Macbook. I love laptops in general because of the portability. However, I plan on saving my pennies to get a new 27 inch iMac with Retina 5k display. It is the Ferrari of desktops for designer's, writer's and old people with bad eye sight! The only thing I'm afraid of is that I would probably never leave my house again if I had one. But it's a chance I'm willing to take! Thanks to everyone who follows me on my social media platforms!! I really enjoy engaging with everyone. If you're not following me, let's fix that! Here's where you can find me: Instagram: @mzm40 Twitter: @mzm40 Facebook: Tracie Momie Creative Pinterest: @mzm40
Writer. Reader. Designer. Creative Spirit.
“I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide.”
—Harper Lee Book Recommendations
November 2017