During the holiday season we tend to be more charitable than any other time of the year, probably because we realize just how fortunate we are to have family, friends, a roof over our head, food to eat and clothes on our back. Meanwhile there are people who are going hungry and sleeping on the streets. I think to some degree if we have been blessed, we have a duty to be a blessing to others or so the Bible says: "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required. . ." Luke 12:48 But you don't have to be someone who has been abundantly blessed or even well off to give to those less fortunate. There are things around your house that are probably collecting dust that you can donate and help brighten the life of someone this holiday season. Here a few things you can donate: ![]() 1. Clothing items- We all have shirts, coats, shoes, pants and more that we can no longer wear or that we wore once and have never worn again. Wash those items and head over to your local shelter (homeless shelter, women's shelter, children's shelter, etc.) or Goodwill/Salvation Army and give those things away to someone who may desperately need them. 2. Books- I'm an avid reader as I've stated over and over. . .this means I often end up with books all over the house after I've read them. Admittedly, some books I will never part with, however there are those that I enjoyed but don't have a problem parting with them. Clean off your bookshelves as well as your kids bookshelves and donate them! Books are great "gifts" to give all year long but especially during the holidays. You can take them to your local library, shelters or send them to one of the many awesome online book charities that help kids. 3. Can goods- Although the price of food has noticeably increased over the past few years, most can goods and non-perishable items remain pretty inexpensive. Sometimes the grocery store even has a sale and you probably stock up on beans, rice and cans of corn. Your pantry might even look like you're doomsday prepping. Take stock and donate some of your supply to a food bank this holiday season. It will definitely go to good use!
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They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for. – Tom Bodett The holiday season is here again! It seems the older I get, the holidays come around faster and faster. It's hard not to be overwhelmed during the course of a normal month or week but adding the hustle and bustle of the holiday season to the mix makes us all a little more “anxious” to say the least. So much to do, so little time. It’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important during the holidays, we’re usually shouting, “Joy to the World” but not feeling very joyous. Here are some ways to find joy this holiday season and all year long: 1. Do something for someone else. Volunteer, bring in the neighbor’s trash can from the curb, donate items to a local shelter, help an elderly relative, etc. Bringing a smile to someone’s face is a sure-fire way to experience joy. 2. Spend time with a child. Even if you aren’t a parent, take your niece/nephew or godchild to a park or museum. Children are the least cynical people you’ll meet and they will open your eyes to seeing the world in a different way. 3. Laugh. Watch a funny television show or read a funny book or hang out with friends who tickle your funny bone. Laughter is the best medicine to lift your spirits. 4. Reflect. Did you wake up this morning with the ability to see, hear or think? Do you have the freedom to go where ever you want and be whoever you want to be? Because there are millions of blind and deaf people in the world and people from other countries flee their homes everyday for a taste of the very freedom you might be taking for granted. Smile and rejoice simply because you can! 5. Let it go. Let go of anger, fear, jealousy and any other negative feeling that keeps you from experiencing joy each day. You’re a unique manifestation of God and what God has for you. . .is for YOU. Be happy with things just the way they are before you think about changing them. Join me for the We Are Booked Holiday Swap hosted by me and @sodrewrites just in time for the holiday season! Yay!! As a reminder here are the details/rules for the swap: 1. The swap is only open to individuals living in the United States. 2. You must complete the entry form and provide all of the information requested. 3. The entry dates are from November 8th through November 18th. You will receive your swap name after the entry closes. (within 24-48 hours) 4. You will be given the requested books on that person's list, you must select at least one of the books on the list. If they don't have a particular book preference you can select something from the genre that they like. 5. You can send other goodies in addition to the book or even multiple books however to keep the swap equitable, please do not spend over $25 before shipping. 6. You will receive instructions and deadlines with your swap name. We would like to keep it anonymous until the person receives their package, so please do not contact anyone. You can place a note or card in their package revealing your identity. We will also coordinate a "swap-wide" reveal date that everyone can post across social media using the hashtag #wearebookedholidayswap. SWAP ENTRY IS NOW CLOSED.
The We Are Booked Photo Challenge is taking a break for November and instead we are doing a holiday book swap!
The We Are Booked Holiday Swap is a fun book swap hosted by me and @sodrewrites. If you are a book lover who lives in the United States you are eligible to participate. This is the perfect opportunity to get a book or two on your reading wish list! The swap entry will open on November 8th through November 18th. We will collect everyone's information and preferences before sending you your swap name. Once you receive your swap name, all books/gifts must be mailed by December 1st. The swap is in a Secret Santa format so you cannot contact the person whose name you are given. We will have a group reveal after everyone receives their book package in the mail. You can send a book and other goodies or just a book (or two) it's your choice but we asking that you don't exceed $25. Please share the We Are Booked Holiday Swap with anyone you know who might be interested! The more the merrier! Be sure to come back on November 8th to officially enter the swap! Follow us on twitter, Instagram and Facebook for updates and reminders! |
Writer. Reader. Designer. Creative Spirit.
“I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide.”
—Harper Lee Book Recommendations
November 2017