It’s officially summer and many of us like the idea of getting away to recharge and relax. However the cost of airfare, hotel and daily expenses can become pretty pricey if you haven’t been planning and saving for your summer getaway.
But not to worry, you can still afford to relax and have fun without even leaving your own city. I suggest taking a staycation. A staycation is a vacation spent in your own hometown and involves seeing local sights and attractions. The point is to enjoy yourself and splurge a little since you’ll be saving money on airfare and other travel related expenses. Pretend your city is your travel destination and plan your itinerary accordingly. Here are some ideas of things to do on your staycation:
I've mentioned in previous posts that I tend to procrastinate and usually it's because I'm being lazy. But there are times, more often than not, that I am on fire and getting a ton of stuff accomplished. Here are some of my sure fire tips for getting things done: 1. Handwritten lists- I swear by handwritten lists. Even though I might type out a note on my phone every now and then, I typically stick to old fashioned pen and paper. I often write my lists in a small tablet or planner. There is something about writing things down in my own handwriting that helps my brain make a connection to its importance. After you write your daily list of to-do's make sure you put it in your purse, computer bag or wallet to keep it with you for reference throughout the day.
2. Reminders on your smart phone- Often I have so many irons in the fire that something may get left off of my handy dandy list. That's when I pick up my phone and say, "Hey Siri, remind me at 2:00 to call Patty." or "Hey Siri, remind me to respond to Harold's email." I also use the calendar function and alarm function on my phone for important reminders as well. They each have an alert system to send a pop up or audio tone to remind you at whatever date/time you select. 3. Distraction free zone/hours- There are days when I am facing a serious deadline, so I designate certain times as "distraction free". I enable the do not disturb feature on my phone and then I leave it in another room, so that I am not tempted to click on my Instagram, twitter or Facebook apps. I also enable my phone alarm for an hour or two and I work free of distractions during the time allotted before taking a break. 4. Accountability partner or reward- I have used accountability partners in the past and it is a great way to hold your feet to the fire. If you tell someone, "hey, I'm going to have this document finished tomorrow by two o'clock" and you know they are going to call you and want to see the document, it makes you work harder to keep your word. Or you can have someone call and check on you and ask about your progress on an important project a few times during the week. I also love the reward system. When I meet a deadline I set for myself or I accomplish something pretty amazing, I treat myself to a massage, pedicure, flowers, fancy lunch or even a new book! I know I can technically get that stuff anytime I want but it's so much sweeter to have a reason for the treat! 5. Just do it-I personally LOVE the feeling of accomplishment. When I work on something–to know it didn't even exist before or it was a challenge that I overcame- it gives me goosebumps and makes me vibrate with excitement. Conversely, when I procrastinate, I feel like crap. Seriously, if two days pass and I've put off something on my list, I feel like I've just wasted two days of my life for no real reason and I'll never get that time back. So I usually just do it. Whatever it is- at the very least I get started right then and there because I know tomorrow I'm going to be filled with regret if I don't. |
Writer. Reader. Designer. Creative Spirit.
“I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide.”
—Harper Lee Book Recommendations
November 2017