The dictionary definition of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. I've always viewed the word "success" as something subjective because depending on what you are trying to accomplish, your success will be different from someone who has a different goal.
For example, if I'm trying to lose twenty pounds and I achieve that goal then that is considered a success for me. However that does not mean someone who is twenty pounds overweight is considered a failure because losing weight may not have been one of their goals. This is part of the problem when talking about success in general terms. We often use the same measuring stick that others are using to measure their success when our goals or path is not the same. I think that is what keeps us from really living our best lives is because we don't have a clear idea of what success means to us. We only know what society says about success. This also holds true for people who may have similar goals...using the weight loss example, let's say I want to lose twenty pounds and so does my Facebook friend, Amy. Amy hits her goal in two months and I'm not even halfway there. So does that mean I failed? Not necessarily. Was my goal to lose twenty pounds in two months? Did Amy maybe take supplements or have weight loss surgery or perhaps our metabolism is different? Success is based an individual achievements. Whether it's weight loss, launching a business or getting new clients. We have to focus on our own efforts, not what Amy is doing, not what Tracie is doing or anyone else. We have to stop worrying so much about the end result and just do the work at our own pace. We all get there eventually if we just stay the course and have faith in our abilities.
Sometimes it can be hard to maintain enthusiasm about the daily routine of life. We become slaves to our never ending 'to-do' lists and focus on just getting by enough to make it to another day. But maintaining an enthusiastic attitude can make the mundane seem marvelous! Approaching your days with enthusiasm not only helps you to be more productive is also good for your health! In honor of International Enthusiasm Week, here are five tips for maintaining your enthusiasm throughout the day:
1. Stay positive- No matter what the day brings, put a positive spin on it. Think of how you can benefit from each interaction and experience. 2. SMILE- Smile a big, genuine, face splitting smile. Throughout the day think of something or someone who makes you happy, keep a photo of the person, place or thing nearby. When you smile it instantly changes your attitude and puts you in a better mood. 3. Be grateful- As morbid as it may sound this one thing remains true: THINGS CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE. Think about all the things in your life that have gone RIGHT. . .you have your sight, you have food to eat, a place to live, etc. Be grateful (and happy) for even the smallest of blessings because there are people who wish they were in your position. 4. Celebrate your accomplishments- This is the best way to truly remain enthusiastic about the tasks/days ahead. Stop every now and then and smell the roses. Look at everything you've accomplished (even small accomplishments) and give yourself a pat on the back. YOU ROCK! 5. Think about the future- Be mindful that your journey is far from over and when you celebrate your accomplishments, be filled with excitement & joy that you have a new chance each day to live the life you want. If you're looking for someone to make your dreams come true- just look in the mirror. You are equipped with every thing you need to live the life you want. You may need to align yourself with people who have the resources to get you to the next level, but YOU have to believe that you possess the know how to make things happen. However the thing that keeps many of us from reaching that next level or living out our dreams is self doubt. We don't think we're smart enough, talented enough or capable to really pull it off. So we sit back and wait for someone to notice us or give us permission to be successful.
I challenge you today to be bold in your pursuits and don't seek permission, look in the mirror and say, "I am capable. I am strong. I can do anything I set my mind to!" And BELIEVE this with every fiber of your being! Then take a deep breath, square your shoulders and GO FOR IT! My husband was running a marathon (number 17, I think) and he brought home some of the thundersticks that you use to make noise and cheer on the runners. Well, one of them was missing the tube you use to blow it up. My 5 year old daughter suggested he use a drinking straw to blow it up. He promptly told her that it wouldn't work because it was too thin. Her response was quite profound: "YOU DON'T KNOW IF IT WON'T WORK, UNLESS YOU TRY IT."My husband chuckled and told her to go and get a drinking straw. And guess what? It worked! Kids say the darndest things but they are often a lot smarter than we give them credit for. I've kept her words in the back of my mind every time I face a challenge. Whenever I want to give up because it seems impossible, I remember my daughter's words and at least try before throwing in the towel. Because as the old saying goes. . .nothing beats a failure but a try!
Writer. Reader. Designer. Creative Spirit.
“I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide.”
—Harper Lee Book Recommendations
November 2017