I saw a post on Instagram the other day that said: "We're getting too old to be telling folks who know what they did wrong, that they did something wrong. Let them go and move on." At first I thought that was kind of harsh and then I thought about it. . . .how many times have you forgiven someone or let something slide that someone did or said to you but they never apologized for their behavior?
It's happened to me quite a few times AND whenever I mentioned the behavior to the person in question they managed to find a way to make themselves the victim. I can't deal with people like that. Seriously. I believe in owning your mistakes, taking responsibility, apologizing and working to making things better. But there are some people who will NEVER admit they are wrong nor do they feel like they should have to apologize because you were "in your feelings". Having those type of people in your life will always be the source of conflict and frustration, which will distract you from your goals. So yeah, I totally agree with that post- Let 'Em Go. Move On.
It seems these days everyone is a critic. Social media has given people the platform to give their opinion (whether it's wanted or not) about everything.
But is it really useful? I'm a fan of constructive criticism delivered in a way to help me improve. However I think just telling people you don't like them or something about them or something they did just because it makes you feel superior.... what's the point of that? We need to learn to be more constructive in our approach when we critique others instead of destructive. Because we're all here on a unique journey and none of us are without flaws! |
Writer. Reader. Designer. Creative Spirit.
“I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide.”
—Harper Lee Book Recommendations
November 2017