I started reading, Make Your Mark: The Creative's Guide to Building A Business with Impact after seeing it on the My Creative Connection Instagram feed. I'm only 20 pages in and I'm having all kinds of A-HA moments. Great book for creative entrepreneurs to read. In the beginning of the book, the author drops this gem: Art, without distribution and discover, moves nobody. Did it ever exist? Science, without clear explanation and advocacy, won't be understood by the masses. Will it make an impact? It makes you examine the purpose behind your work! I'm looking forward to applying the practical guidelines that the author provides throughout the book. I'm already feeling inspired! What are you reading?
I mentioned our road trip in my last post but I didn't mention that my husband and I took turns driving and during my turn at the wheel I focused not only on the road but had plenty of time to ponder the question: What's Next? I'm sure I will upset some people with this post but I'm only doing it because I love you. If you are a business owner or you are trying to build a business or brand, you have got to budget for some higher quality photos. I'm not talking about your profile or personal picture. I'm referring to images of your products and images that you're sharing on your website and social media. It really irritates me when I see awesome, inspiring quotes on a blurry or pixelated image. And then you have the nerve to put your website or logo on said image, really? Or someone who does hair, events or sells accessories using images taken with their camera phone in horrible light. It really makes the product/service look unappealing. Here is a simple rule of thumb: If you are getting a photo printed it should be around 300dpi (dots per inch) if you are using it online it needs to be around 72dpi. Also make sure the orientation of the image works for the platform that you are using. There are a TON of free, quality stock photography images that you can get online. And if you are using photo's of your own products/services then you need to either invest in a good camera or have a professional come out and take photo's for you. I love camera phones just as much as the next person but they are not all created equal and they could be hurting your brand more than helping it. |
Writer. Reader. Designer. Creative Spirit.
“I would advise anyone who aspires to a writing career that before developing his talent he would be wise to develop a thick hide.”
—Harper Lee Book Recommendations
November 2017